Woodpeckers are medium-sized birds that are well-known for their characteristic pecking behavior. They have vibrantly-colored plumage, with most of them being olive and brown, and some with patterned...
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Everybody knows ducks can eat fruits such as melons and berries, but what about kiwi fruit? If you've ever wondered whether or not you can feed your ducks, kiwis — then read this article to get the...
Of all the birds in the world, pigeons and doves are among the most common ones that can be found anywhere you go. Some would even say that they're almost as common as the crows and mynahs, if not...
We often come across the dilemma of should we feed “this” or “that” to our ducks. In such cases, the process to determine whether your duck can or will like to eat a certain food must be...
The avian kingdom is quite diverse, including birds as tiny as the hummingbirds and as large as the Eurasian Black Vultures. Considering this wide diversity, it is not surprising that people often...
As pets, ducks are one of the most entertaining and friendliest feathered pets one could get. They’re social, get attached to us easily, and are perfect companions for people of all ages. And as...